martes, 28 de abril de 2015


                                                         el juicio final (Miguel Angel)                                                                       

                                                      la gioconda (leonardo Da Vinci)      

In Renaissance painting is very common to see that the artist recreates nature and places the human being inside her.


> As in sculpture, religious themes survive, but for classical influence, mythological and allegorical and portrait is also boosted.
> The techniques are fresco, tempera and oil.
> The composition focuses the subject and distributes technical elements: color, volume and shape.
> As holders of the works ceilings, walls, tables and cloths are used.
> The light and chiaroscuro effects culminate in leonardesco esfumato.
> Great attention to the expression of the figures and the study of light in his paintings.


1. Leonardo Da Vinci

2. Rafael
3. Botichelli
4. Tizano

5. Miguel Angel

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